Monday, November 21, 2022

News of the Weird: November Newsletter

My author photos, website, and book cover ripened sufficiently, but there are still many deplorables found in my book publishing and marketing basket. The worst deplorable so far: gaining email subscribers for my newsletter. I’ve found the job akin to herding cats inside a David Lynch movie produced by persnickety sudoku enthusiasts. Why is it so hard?

I decided to seek advice from David Lynch, surreal filmmaker extraordinaire. (His film credits include Blue Velvet and Twin Peaks if you’re unfamiliar) Here’s what he had to say: 😊

“Sharon, if you take away nothing else from our imaginary zoom correspondence, remember, when in doubt, talk backward.”

 “esaelP, lliw uoy ebircsbus ot ym liame tsil?”

“Perfect. Here’s another tip: use an insane soundtrack to keep potential subscribers on edge, unstable.”

“I’m not sure if that will help me, but I can try Nirvana or Metallica,” I replied.

“Great. Sarah, that’s your name, right? People like mystery. Tell people they may be signing up for a Sears credit card or your email list, but they won’t know which one—keep it mysterious.”

“Okay, Mr. Lynch.”

“Here’s another gem: when you ask for new subscribers, make your questioning extremely difficult to follow. Keep potential subscribers on their toes. Make the tone weird, bizarre even. You know, switch it up. I like to use the word, discomforting, to describe my approach, and maybe this feeling can help you too. Do you understand me?”

“Yes, Mr. Lynch. I already feel slightly uncomfortable.”

“Good. Hey, Simone, I’ve got to go. I’m having lunch with an elephant and a coal miner. Goodbye.”

“This is going to be more difficult than I thought,” I whisper to no one in particular.


Now for some real-life November news. I finished my latest edit. Now, I wait. Meanwhile, I’m wearing a black pointy hat while working on my new novel, THE SAVANNAH BOOK OF SPELLS.

At some point, I must create the most compelling jacket copy for THE LEVITATION GAME to make my book intriguing enough to sell. Easy enough, right? Sigh. I have Minnesota author Peter Geye onboard for a blurb, and another Minnesota author, Joe Hart, has also agreed to give me a blurb. But only if he likes my story. Gulp. Fingers crossed! Check back for my next newsletter on December 19th. Let the give-aways begin! But you can only win if your subscribe.


knahT uoy rof gnidaer!

Or in other words,


I’m grateful for your attention.



“I celebrated Thanksgiving the old-fashioned way. I invited everyone in my neighborhood to my house, we had an enormous feast, and then I killed them and took their land.” —Jon Stewart.  

Subscribe at Sharon Wagner Books 

Giveaways start next month!




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