Monday, September 18, 2023

The Name Game


"They say we die twice - once when the last breath leaves our body and once when the last person we know says our name." Al Pacino

What’s in a name? In books, as in life, a lot. 

My first name originated with my mom’s best friend, Sharon Lindsay, which led to a funny full circle of monikers because my favorite childhood actress was the Bionic Woman, Lindsay Wagner. I mean, what little girl didn’t want to jump from rooftops with a kinetic soundtrack punctuating every epic action? I wished my first name was Lindsay ever after. Eventually, I married a man, attaching the end of my superhero’s last name to create Sharon Wagner.

My friend Danielle asked me why I chose Esme for my main character in The Levitation Game. Well, I have a sprawling answer for that. My first novel, Chorus of Crows, revolves around a retired farmer who battles Parkinson’s and unwanted visitors that may or may not be real. It’s a horror story. I named my character after Stephen King’s favorite uncle, Oren. Growing up, my mother loved The Waltons on television, so I called the character Oren Walton. Since my dad’s battle with Parkinson’s inspired my novel, I gave a nod to Michael J. Fox (who also has Parkinson’s) in my second novel and named my central character Esme, after the actor’s daughter.

All my books will pay tribute to my friends and family, onscreen and off. I’ve weaved many real-life names into my stories. Ethelene, a character in The Levitation Game, is named after my Aunt Ethel. Plus, I loved the character Etheline from the Wes Anderson movie The Royal Tenenbaums. I have a cousin named Lavinia, so I used that name in a book. Do you remember Matthew’s ill-fated love interest, Lavinia, in Downton Abbey? I remember and have loved it ever since.

My character, Sedona, from Chorus of Crows, is a nod to the beautiful southwestern city, and the town also plays an integral part in the story. The most fun I’ve had with naming a character so far is the name Owletta from The Savannah Book of Spells. I made it up entirely because the character looks like an owl. Sometimes, it’s fun to be an author! Well, I could go on and on. It’s one of the great joys of writing books, naming characters that become beloved fictional family members.

Fun blurbs and reviews are rolling in, and I’ve been sharing them on social media. Dawn C. won a free Conspiracy Theory game by sharing my content on Instagram. Neddy Games has given away almost 500 dollars worth of free games to my newsletter subscribers. So subscribe to win.

My book finally launches next month. Hooray!

Look to your inbox on October 23rd for my Halloween newsletter. 

"Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names."

— John F. Kennedy.

 Sharon Wagner Books


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