Monday, November 20, 2023

Bodice Rippers and Space Trippers


“As mothers and daughters, we are connected with one another. My mother is the bones of my spine, keeping me straight and true. She is my blood, making sure it runs rich and strong. She is the beating of my heart. I cannot now imagine a life without her.” ―Kristin Hannah, Summer Island.

After publishing my novel, some friends and family remarked on how proud my parents would be of my literary achievement. Would they be proud? If they were alive, would my parents even read my book? It’s a paranormal sci-fi after all. Sorry, Dad, but you were the one who thought one of my paintings was a placemat. Maybe now, my dad would finally feel redeemed that he paid my college tuition in graphic design, and then I became a flight attendant.

My mother didn’t read sci-fi. She read romance and left those books scattered around the house. That’s why all of my novels have a suspicion of romantic titillation. I grew up reading Kathleen E Woodiwiss instead of typical middle-grade or young-adult books because they were ready and available. I subsisted on Danielle Steele and my favorite author of the time, LaVyrle Spencer. But when I read the magical realism and supernatural novel Like Water for Chocolate by Mexican author Laura Esquivel, my literary world changed forever. Yes, there was still a doomed romance, but the world the author created was magical, beautiful, and surreal. The food the protagonist poured her heart and soul into creating came alive in my mind. I could smell the rose petals and taste the chocolate and freshly ground spices in her mole sauce. The protagonist was so sad; she knitted a quilt that was as long as a crescent-shaped beach, and it dragged behind the wagon that took her away from her beloved. I’ll never forget that imagery.

If my mother was alive, would she read and enjoy my book? I don’t know. It’s my mother’s birthday today. Mom, if you were here, you’d receive a book for your birthday, whether you wanted one or not!

Don U. won a free Conspiracy Theory board game set by sharing my book on social media. Thanks Don! You can win, too. :) Plus, this is what I heard from a librarian named Karen: Is your library likely to purchase this title? Yes
Will you recommend this title through Readers’ Advisory, book clubs, events, etc? Yes

I say: "Yes!!!"

Happy Thanksgiving!


Sharon Wagner Books

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