Thursday, October 17, 2024

The Levitation Game is One Year Old Today. Hooray!


The Levitation Game launched on October 17, 2023. 

After my book baby’s roller-coaster year, I hope my book doesn’t experience the terrible twos. Launching a book is every mother’s dream, but it does involve screaming and, quite possibly, incontinence. Sometimes, I felt like Mia Farrow in Rosemary’s Baby; other times, I felt like Sally Field after winning her Oscar. "You like my book. You really like it!"

The tumultuous and mixed feelings are normal for every author and every book. Oh, and I'm pregnant again. It may take longer than nine months, but there's another book baby on the way!

You can never leave once you enter the novel writing theme park full of burnt corncobs, sweaty crowds, psychedelic mirrors, nausea inducing rides, and sickly-sweet cotton candy. You must keep writing, and the tickets are steep. The steel gate is locked and your fate is in the hands of a carnie rat. Do you see the grinning carousel animals from the Brothers Grimm? Can you hear the demented organ grinder music gnawing at your brain? Do you need a shot of Pepto Bismal after too many corn dogs? A writer must stay in the clown park, gnashing away forever and ever. But sometimes it's fun

“When the music stops, you’ll see him in the mirror standing behind you.” — April, “The Conjuring”

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